
The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to assess health care providers' intention to provide culturally competent health care to Somali based upon the constructs of the Integrated Behavioral Model by indirect measures. Using ZoomerangTM data collection systems, data were collected on a non-random and purposive sample. Every physician, nurse practitioner, and physician assistant in a non-administrative role at a rural primary care clinic located in Minnesota was recruited by email. A sample of thirty-one health care providers was used in this study. The survey was divided into four main scales based on the constructs of the Integrated Behavioral Model. These constructs included intention, attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. Each main scale, with the exception of intention, was further divided into subscales measuring construct components. The subscales included instrumental attitudes, experiential attitudes, injunctive norms, descriptive norms, motivation to comply with injunctive norms, motivation to comply with descriptive norms, self-efficacy and perceived control. Data analysis showed that overall intention of participants' to provide Somali with culturally competent health care was high. The constructs of the Integrated Behavioral Model, as each related to intention, showed mixed results. Only the relationship between intention and overall subjective norms was statistically significant. More specific correlations were identified when each construct was further divided into construct components. Significant positive correlations between behavioral intention and instrumental attitudes, subjective norms, injunctive norms, descriptive norms and self-efficacy were found. Correlational analysis between demographic characteristics and overall intention did not reveal any significant relationships. Further investigation into gender and years of experience using independent samples t-tests did show some significant findings. Female participants responded to survey items pertaining to experiential attitudes and motivation to comply with injunctive norms more favorably than males. Health care workers with 11 years or more experience were found to have lower overall intention, experiential attitudes, instrumental attitudes, and motivation to comply with injunctive norms scores than those with 10 years of experience or less.


Amy S. Hedman

Committee Member

Marlene K. Tappe

Committee Member

Wayne Allen

Date of Degree




Document Type



Master of Science (MS)


Health Science


Allied Health and Nursing

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
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