

In an effort to demonstrate how Creative Arts Therapy (CAT), or the use of art, performance, writing, and music as a therapeutic tool, can be employed to build a repertoire of interpersonal roles for students, this paper focuses on incorporating CAT modalities within forensics coaching pedagogy. As Reid (2012) built a bridge between performance studies and forensics competition to argue for the scholarly potential of interpretation, I construct a bridge between CAT and forensics to uncover another learning moment and engage in a conversation about coaching pedagogy. Integrating a CAT foundation in collegiate forensics is a way to not only get students more interested and invested in their literature but it is also a way to help students see beyond competition and focus on the epistemic process (Littlefield, 2006), or learning about themselves and others, that can come from participation. To demonstrate the collaboration between forensics and CAT, I offer suggestions for how to employ CAT strategies with students who want to engage in an epistemic function of forensics.
