

Speaker and Gavel (ISSN 2572-4460) is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing high-quality, original research in the field of communication studies. While it has its roots in the pedagogy of competitive speech and debate and welcomes submissions from that sub-discipline it is open to, and regularly publishes, articles from any of communications sub-disciplines. We maintain a focus on competitive speech and debate issues but we are also open to submissions from all communication related fields including (but not limited to): Applied Comm, Agrumentation & Debate, Communication theory, Computer Mediated Comm, Conflict, Critical Scholarship, Cultural Studies, Forensics, Health Comm, Humor Studies, Instructional Comm, Intercultural Comm, Interpersonal Comm, Organizational Comm, Organizational Culture, Political Comm, Public Relations, Queer Studies, Rhetoric, Small Group Comm, Speech Anxiety.

Additionally the journal is open to all research methodologies, (rhetorical, qualitative, quantitative, historical, etc.). In addition S&G will also except one or two literature reviews for each issue and a limited number of scholarly book reviews may also be considered. Viewpoint articles - research-based commentary, preferably on a currently relevant issue related to the forensics and/or debate community will also be considered.

All research, with the exception of the literature reviews and scholarly book reviews, should further our understanding of human communication. The way(s) in which the manuscript does that should be clear and evident.

All submissions are independently reviewed by anonymous expert peer referees. By submitting you are stipulating that:

  1. The manuscript is your own original work and has not been previously published elsewhere and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  2. If a previous draft was presented at a conference or convention (which will not negatively affect the chances of publication and is actually encouraged) it has been noted on the title page.
  3. The manuscript does not contain anything abusive, libelous, obscene, illegal, defamatory, nor does it contain information you know or suspect to be false or misleading.
  4. You have gained permission to use copyrighted material (photos, cartoons, etc.) and can provide proof of that permission upon acceptance.
  5. You have conducted any original empirical research after the approval of and in accordance with your institution’s Institutional Review Board (IRB).

Guidelines for Submission:

  1. Submission deadlines are January 15th and July 15th of each year. It is never too early to submit your article.
  2. Submissions should be made via email as Word document attachments with the author(s) contact information in a separate attachment. Send to toddtholm@gmail.com
  3. Speaker & Gavel requires submissions follow the most recent Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines.
  4. The text should be double-spaced throughout and should be standard Times New Roman 12 point font.
  5. Personal identifiers should be removed from the title page and from the document. The rest of the information on the title page and abstract should remain in tack.
  6. Please provide full contact information for the corresponding author including email, mailing address, and preferred contact phone number. Also include academic affiliations for all co-authors. This information should be sent in a document separate from the main text of the article to ensure an anonymous peer review.
  7. Please provide information about any special funding the research received or conventions or conferences at which previous drafts have been presented so it can be noted in the publication.

Please send submissions to: toddtholm@gmail.com