The Inner Curriculum: Activities to Develop Emotional Intelligence in General Education Classrooms
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As schools focus increasingly on testing, they are paring down classroom teaching. The result is that students are not getting opportunities to develop their emotional intelligence, which they need to develop wholeness in their lives.
The Inner Curriculum is a practical book designed to help teachers infuse affective content into classrooms that have become heavy with cognitive emphasis. The book provides a wide variety of activities, together with charts and examples, so that teachers can begin implementation into the regular curriculum immediately. The activities can be incorporated into classes on writing, reading, social studies, science, and the arts. There are also time-related activities and critical thinking activities. These activities can be adapted for use in varying forms for students from kindergarten through graduate school.
Elementary and Literacy Education Department
Recommended Citation
Johnson, A. (2007). The inner curriculum: Activities to develop emotional intelligence in general education classrooms. Royal Fireworks Press.
Publisher's Copyright and Source
Copyright © 2007 Royal Fireworks Press