"A Rhetorical Analysis of the Rethinking AIDS Website" by Jennifer Dettmann

1st Student's Major

Communication Studies

1st Student's College

Arts and Humanities

Students' Professional Biography

Jennifer Dettmann is a student in Communication Studies at Minnesota State University, Mankato.

Mentor's Name

Daniel Cronn-Mills

Mentor's Email Address


Mentor's Department

Communication Studies

Mentor's College

Arts and Humanities


A group of scientists known as the Group for Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV-AIDS hypothesis created a web site title, Rethinking AIDS. The group behind the web site argues that AIDS is not a sexually transmitted disease. They even question the existence of the virus entity. My analysis is driven by the critical question: Does the web site construct a reality that affectively alters our perception of HIV-AIDS? In order to answer this question, Goodnight and Poulakos 1981 article, Conspiracy rhetoric: from pragmatism to fantasy to public discourse (Western Journal of Speech), will be utilized.

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