"Crossing Borders: Fatih Akin's Transnational Purpose" by Drew Nelson

1st Student's Major

World Languages and Cultures

1st Student's College

Arts and Humanities

Students' Professional Biography

Drew Nelson graduated with a bachelor‟s degree in mass communications from Minnesota State University – Mankato in December 2009, where he studied journalism and film and wrote for the campus publication, The Reporter, for four years. During his college career, he was a tutor in the Center for Academic Success, a web intern at the Village Voice-operated, alt-weekly publication City Pages in Minneapolis, a searchengine optimization writer for Rasmussen College, and an active community service member and officer at Sigma Nu Fraternity. In the fall of 2009, he was awarded first place in the entertainment category for the Minnesota Newspaper Association‟s “Better Newspaper Contest.” In July 2008, he founded Cut 'N' Dry Painting, LLC., in Mankato and presently serves the community and surrounding area. He resides in Maple Grove, MN.

Mentor's Name

Nadja Krämer

Mentor's Email Address


Mentor's Department

World Languages and Cultures

Mentor's College

Arts and Humanities


To be, is to be mobile. At least, that's what Turkish-German director Fatih Akin would like the world to see. His acclaimed films have nursed a genre of this own - transnational cinema - which imagines our society's desire to freely cross cultural, national, and traditional borders of self-identification, then wrenches it away. The implication of this perspective is that the statue quo isn't there yet, giving rise to intolerance and tragedy in Akin's contemporary society. Regardless of how developed our nations are and how intelligent the human race is, we can't overcome our differences until we overcome ourselves. This article analyzes the thoughts and feelings of generations, particularly in Akin's "home" nations, as the paradigm constantly shifts and evolves, seeking to make the director's transnational imagination of hope and humanity a reality. Most importantly, though, this article attempts to connect Akin to a simple notion: who, what and where we call home need never be limited.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License



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