Volume 5 (2005)
Applying Early Existential Critiques to Contemporary Themes in American Culture
Erik S. Berquist and Derek J. Skillings
Effects of Brownian Motion on the Millikan Oil Drop Experiment
Eric Ehler and Aaron Hanson
An Ethnographic Study of the Communication Practices of a Recovering Alcoholic during the First Month of Sobriety
Lianna Erickson
Designing an Articulation-Agreement Database for the College of Science and Engineering and Technology Advising Center
Stephanie Fasen, Susan Hendley, Tim Pham, and Danish Zaman
Communication Apprehension and its Relationship to Gender and College Year
Jodi Frantz, Amber Marlow, and Jennifer Wathen
For the Love of God
Marissa Hansen
Gendered Construction of the Female Identity
Julie L. Lemley
Identification of Soybean Lipoxygenase Products by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (Ge-Ms)
Rehan Ahmad Malik
Wittgenstein, Kierkegaard and the Unspeakable
Joseph C. Mohrfeld
The Effects of Minimalism/Indeterminacy on the Merce Cunningham and John Cage Collaboration
Janelle M. Morrison
Campus Paper Waste
Joshua E. Randall
Popular Agitation and British Parliamentary Reform, 1866-1867
Michael D. Snell-Feikema
Bird Keeping and Lung Cancer
Andrew Tackmann, Jonathan Hellman, and Jamie Johnson
Disraeli, Gladstone, and The Reform Act of 1867
Justin Vossen