Volume 7 (2007)
Classical Philology Gone Wild! The Use of Classical Texts in the Film All Quiet on the Western Front
Tysen Dauer
Fluid Properties in the Formation of High-Grade Iron Ore in Northern Minnesota
Elizabeth Drommerhausen
School Psychology Practice and Job Satisfaction
Rebecca Fenicle
Reflections on Canvas: Caravaggio and the Development of Optical Stype
Eleanor Rae Harper
This Modern Life
Nathan Klein
Men, Women and Children for Sale: The Dichotomy of Human Trafficking in the United States and Abroad
Elizabeth Kolbe
Vascular Architecture of the Liver in SHR and WKY Rats
Charalette Mathwig and Kenneth Willaert
Population of Northern Leopard Frogs (Rana Pipiens) Migrating Between the Ney Frog Pond and the Minnesota River Valley for Spring Breeding
Rebecca Madison Pollack
The Impact of Weather Conditions on Mood Variability in Geographically Relocated Versus Non-Relocated Individuals
Jamie M. Scott
Christian Feminism: Female Pastors and Feminism
Amanda A. Slowinski
Developing Microsoft Word 2007 Add-On Applications
Peter L. Sonnek
The Decision to Run: The Stories of Women in the Minnesota Legislature
Danielle M. Thomsen
Nineteenth Century Views on Theater and Drama in English
Rebecca Unetic
Trust Formation Across Multiple Levels of Virtuality
Amanda Woller