The Effect of Birth Order on Introversion and Extroversion



Student's Major


Student's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Mentor's Name

Edison Perdomo

Mentor's Department


Mentor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences


This study was conducted to determine if an individual's birth order (first or later-bom) has an effect on the individual being classified as an introvert or extrovert. An introverted person tends to be reflective and shy, while an extroverted person tends to be outgoing and sociable. A brief 27-question survey, designed by the researcher, was given to college students enrolled in a Psychology lOI class in exchange for extra credit. The survey was used to determine birth order and to classify the subjects as an introvert or extrovert. The survey included 27 tme-false items assessing introversion and extroversion. The results of this study indicate that the relationship between birth order and the personality trait of introversion and extroversion is not as clear-cut as earlier presumed.

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The Effect of Birth Order on Introversion and Extroversion


This study was conducted to determine if an individual's birth order (first or later-bom) has an effect on the individual being classified as an introvert or extrovert. An introverted person tends to be reflective and shy, while an extroverted person tends to be outgoing and sociable. A brief 27-question survey, designed by the researcher, was given to college students enrolled in a Psychology lOI class in exchange for extra credit. The survey was used to determine birth order and to classify the subjects as an introvert or extrovert. The survey included 27 tme-false items assessing introversion and extroversion. The results of this study indicate that the relationship between birth order and the personality trait of introversion and extroversion is not as clear-cut as earlier presumed.