The Irish Immigration



Start Date

26-4-2005 8:30 AM

End Date

26-4-2005 10:00 AM

Student's Major


Student's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Mentor's Name

Larry Witherell

Mentor's Department


Mentor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences


This research paper identified and examined the political and policy responses of the British government to the influx of Irish immigrants after the famine of the 1840s. The Irish potato famine of 1845-49 pushed a million of people out of Ireland and many into Britain. The problem for the immigrants was what form of government response and reception they experienced in terms of employment, housing, education and general welfare, which this project has answered. The research for this project was based on the parliamentary debates, London Times and other newspapers, autobiographies, diaries, and memoirs of political figures and immigrants, and secondary literature, including biographies, books, articles, and dissertations.

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Apr 26th, 8:30 AM Apr 26th, 10:00 AM

The Irish Immigration


This research paper identified and examined the political and policy responses of the British government to the influx of Irish immigrants after the famine of the 1840s. The Irish potato famine of 1845-49 pushed a million of people out of Ireland and many into Britain. The problem for the immigrants was what form of government response and reception they experienced in terms of employment, housing, education and general welfare, which this project has answered. The research for this project was based on the parliamentary debates, London Times and other newspapers, autobiographies, diaries, and memoirs of political figures and immigrants, and secondary literature, including biographies, books, articles, and dissertations.