The Effectiveness of Monitored Antabuse Treatment


CSU 253/4/5

Start Date

6-4-2010 8:30 AM

End Date

6-4-2010 10:30 AM

Student's Major

Social Work

Student's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Mentor's Name

Laura Strunk

Mentor's Department

Social Work

Mentor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences


The purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness of monitored antabuse treatment as compared to antabuse treatment. Since in the monitored antabuse treatment, the clients have to go to a monitored treatment place to have someone watch them take the antabuse, the monitored antabuse treatment should be more effective than just the antabuse treatment. The methods that are being used for this research are interviews and scholarly journal articles. This research is in progress, and the results will be available at the undergraduate research conference. This research is relevant to the Scott County Human Services because if the research shows that monitored antabuse treatment is more effective, then they will use this research to try and bring it to the board to get them to approve a monitored antabuse treatment facility right at the county.

The research findings in progress should be interesting to others because there are not many monitored antabuse treatment programs outside of the metropolitan area, which is one of the main reasons why many people do not like to go to monitored antabuse treatment facilities because they are too far away. If research shows that monitored antabuse treatment is effective it could bring a new treatment facility that is closer so that more people would be willing to participate.

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Apr 6th, 8:30 AM Apr 6th, 10:30 AM

The Effectiveness of Monitored Antabuse Treatment

CSU 253/4/5

The purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness of monitored antabuse treatment as compared to antabuse treatment. Since in the monitored antabuse treatment, the clients have to go to a monitored treatment place to have someone watch them take the antabuse, the monitored antabuse treatment should be more effective than just the antabuse treatment. The methods that are being used for this research are interviews and scholarly journal articles. This research is in progress, and the results will be available at the undergraduate research conference. This research is relevant to the Scott County Human Services because if the research shows that monitored antabuse treatment is more effective, then they will use this research to try and bring it to the board to get them to approve a monitored antabuse treatment facility right at the county.

The research findings in progress should be interesting to others because there are not many monitored antabuse treatment programs outside of the metropolitan area, which is one of the main reasons why many people do not like to go to monitored antabuse treatment facilities because they are too far away. If research shows that monitored antabuse treatment is effective it could bring a new treatment facility that is closer so that more people would be willing to participate.

Recommended Citation

Meuwissen, Katie. "The Effectiveness of Monitored Antabuse Treatment." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 6, 2010.