Revit Software


CSU Ballroom

Start Date

16-4-2013 2:00 PM

End Date

16-4-2013 4:00 PM

Student's Major

Construction Management

Student's College

Science, Engineering and Technology

Mentor's Name

Brian Wasserman

Mentor's Department

Construction Management

Mentor's College

Science, Engineering and Technology


Is the use of Revit on a construction project beneficial or not? The many effects Revit has during the construction phase can influence the project in a number of ways; including the use of time, the amount of money spent and the overall efficiency of the project work. The reason this research is important is because a project manager should know what the outcomes of a project are with and without the use of Revit. This will help determine if using the software is beneficial or not on a given project. The reader will first need to know and understand what Revit is and its basic functionalities in the construction industry. The approach to this research will be finding a case study of a commercial construction project that incorporated Revit, and studying the construction of that project in regards to money spent, time spent, errors incurred, etc. Then, find a second case study of a project of similar attributes that did not incorporate Revit and analyze that project and its outcomes as well. In doing this research the vital components of a construction project will be known in two different projects; one with the use of Revit, and one without the use. This will determine the general answer to if you should use Revit on a project or not, given the benefits and tradeoffs. The research will show how beneficial the use of Revit was or was not on the given project.

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Apr 16th, 2:00 PM Apr 16th, 4:00 PM

Revit Software

CSU Ballroom

Is the use of Revit on a construction project beneficial or not? The many effects Revit has during the construction phase can influence the project in a number of ways; including the use of time, the amount of money spent and the overall efficiency of the project work. The reason this research is important is because a project manager should know what the outcomes of a project are with and without the use of Revit. This will help determine if using the software is beneficial or not on a given project. The reader will first need to know and understand what Revit is and its basic functionalities in the construction industry. The approach to this research will be finding a case study of a commercial construction project that incorporated Revit, and studying the construction of that project in regards to money spent, time spent, errors incurred, etc. Then, find a second case study of a project of similar attributes that did not incorporate Revit and analyze that project and its outcomes as well. In doing this research the vital components of a construction project will be known in two different projects; one with the use of Revit, and one without the use. This will determine the general answer to if you should use Revit on a project or not, given the benefits and tradeoffs. The research will show how beneficial the use of Revit was or was not on the given project.

Recommended Citation

Lindaman, Michael and Brian Barnett. "Revit Software." Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mankato, MN, April 16, 2013.