"Assessment of Selected University Students' Knowledge of Blood Donatio" by Jeffrey Allerson


The lack of blood donors in the United States is a problem. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between blood donation knowledge and blood donation intentions among students at Minnesota State University, Mankato (MNSU), and examine blood donation attitude and confidence levels among the respondents. A researcher-constructed electronic survey was sent to 3, 944 MNSU students, with a total of 376 responses (n = 364; adjusted response rate = 9.23%). Analyses included descriptive statistics, independent sample t-tests, frequency counts, and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient tests. The mean intention scores of current blood donors were higher than non-blood donors. The respondents' mean knowledge score was moderately low (4.26), scoring just below the 50% mark on the knowledge assessment. The portion of respondents who had reported donating blood in the past was 56.5%. The blood donation attitudes among the respondents were reported as positive, with a mean attitudinal score of 6.48 out of 7. The confidence level of the respondents with respect to feeling capable of donating blood was moderately high, with a mean score of 5.30 out of 7. A significant relationship was identified between knowledge and blood donation intentions. A significant difference between men and women and their blood donation knowledge and attitudes was also identified. Finally, 60.6% of the respondents' preferred to receive blood donation educational materials through email services.


Dawn Larsen

Committee Member

Amy Hedman

Committee Member

Kristie Campana

Date of Degree




Document Type



Master of Science (MS)


Health Science


Allied Health and Nursing

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