At Minnesota State University, Mankato, every graduate student completes a capstone for their program. Most programs include a thesis/dissertation or alternative plan paper (APP) option, but many programs provide other capstone opportunities.
Beginning in 2009, graduate students at Minnesota State University, Mankato could elect to have their alternative plan paper, thesis, dissertation or other capstone project made available online through a digital collection platform provided by Library Services. In 2014, these electronic submissions or ETDs were transferred into the Theses, Dissertations, and Other Capstone Projects collection in Cornerstone, the University's new institutional repository.
The development of this collection is ongoing as graduate students continue to elect to provide digital copies of their graduate theses, dissertations or other capstone projects to Cornerstone. If you are a former Minnesota State University, Mankato graduate student and wish to include your work in Cornerstone, please contact us .
Documents From 2024
Tales of Dead Men, Muhammad Abu-Rub
How Marital Stress May Affect the Onset of Dementia in Older Adults, Khunza Asma
Everyone Else's Body, Alexandra Boutelle
Embryonic Exposure to Sodium Perchlorate Disrupts Organ Development in Mice, Kyle Bouten
Prompting and Protecting Radical Environmental Justice Activism, Ava Corey-Gruenes
Facilitating Posttraumatic Growth Among Service Members and Veterans Through a Book Study Group Intervention, Susan Craig
The Role of Reflection in Writing Transfer for First-Year Multilingual Writers, Lan Anh Dang
Developing a Snow Detection Algorithm Using Spatial Attention for Pedestrian Safety, Ricardo de Deijn
Post-glacial Landscape Evolution of the Lower St. Croix River Valley: The Enigma of Glacial Lake Grantsburg, the Osceola Bench, and the St. Croix Dells, Hunter Delikowski
A Deep Learning Model for Early Diagnosis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus from Facial Images, Shourav Bikash Dey
Guided Self Placement as a Stand-Alone Assessment, Judy Endres
Solutions to the Kaluza-Klein Field Equations, Abel Eshete
Evaluating the Impacts of Microplastics on the Soil Biochemical Environment and Cherry Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Productivity, Kenny Famakinwa
Escape the Planet: Revolutionizing Game Design with Novel OOP Techniques, Qusai Kamal Fannoun
Religious and Spiritual Struggles among Satanists, Trevor Flick
Physiological Indices of Anxiety and Self-Regulation Under Task Demands and Talk Aloud, Zachary Gerber
Localization and Quantification of ATPase, Ca2+ Transporting, Plasma Membrane 2 (Atp2b2) in the Developing Euthyroid and Hypothyroid Cochlea, Emily Gregersen
A Critical Phenomenological Study of White Educators who Engage in Antiracism, Maria-Renée D. Grigsby
Preparing Students in Speech-Language Pathology Through a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Lens, Jacy Hansen
Mental Health Challenges and Resilience Among International Graduate Students in the United States, Md Rejaul Haque
The Influence of Ecoregions and Land Use/Land Cover on Fish Assemblages in Southern Minnesota, Masaki Hara
The First Week of October, Emily W. Heinis
Eficacia de técnicas de introducción de vocabulario para estudiantes de español como segunda lengua, Enzo Hellmeister
Re-evaluation of lethal radiation dose in Drosophila melanogaster using 350 KeV electrons, Dariia Hozhenko
Practices to Recruit and Retain Teachers of Color in Rural Minnesota Schools, Eric Hudspith
Other People, Jenny Hughes
Mental Health Among Somali Women in the United States, Khadra M. Hussien
“Look Good, Act Good”: Tipping, Emotional Labor and the Feminization of Restaurant Work, Ashley Jaxel
How I Got Over: Long-Serving Black Women Principals Coping with Microaggressions, Chreese Jones
Takt Time Reduction of Genset Assembly Line Using Process Optimization and Lean Manufacturing Tools, Ninad Joshi
OTFS Modulation for High Mobility Wireless Channels, Sandip K C
Impact of Atheist Identity Disclosure on Experience of Microaggressions in Therapy, Kimaya Khanolkar
Metaheuristics for White-box Path Attraction Attacks in Hidden Markov Models, Brandon Koch
Addressing Aggressive Behaviors in Long Term Care Settings: How Do Caregivers Feel Supported?, Betty Kortey
Comparative Analysis of Data Augmentation on Sentiment Analysis in Three Distinct Languages, Hyesu Lee
A Growing Dome in the Clouds of Everest: An Applied Anthropology Project in the High Himalaya, Gary Mark Lesley
Changing Careers, Changing Identities: The Role of Strong and Weak Ties on Career Change Decisions, Christopher S. Lienemann
Every Blessing, Annie Lindenberg
"Flowers in the Concrete”: Anti-Violence Nonprofit Leadership and Primary Prevention in Minnesota, Kim Lohse
Intelligent Traffic Management Systems, Mohammad Mazhar
Enhancing a School Readiness Skill Through a Mindfulness-Based Intervention: Soles of the Feet, Caitlin J. Moen
Comparative Study of Robotic and Manual Welding in A Low Volume-High Mix Manufacturing Environment: Case Study of JR TEST 2, Pooma Pragna Mysore
Lexical and Textual Development through Autonomous Engagement with Vocabulary Journal in Multilingual Learners, Emika Ozawa
Optimizing Production in an Electronics Manufacturing Industry Using Six Sigma: A DMAIC Approach to Process Enhancement, Shubham Parekh
Age-Related Microaggressions: A Semi-Replication, Stephanie Patt
A Phenomenological Study of the Utilization of Student Voice by Midwest Urban Secondary Schools within School Improvement Plan Strategies, Jessica Peifer Busse
Comparative Study of Robotic and Manual Welding in A Low Volume-High Mix Manufacturing Environment: Case Study of Lift Ring, Sai Sasank Pothamsetti
College Instructors’ Experience with Flexibility through Pandemic Teaching, Kate M. Quesenberry Orugboh
Caregiving for a Formally Abusive or Neglectful Parent: A Qualitative Interview Study of Caregiver Motivations, Hannah Radcliff-Hoy
Dance as a Collective Action: Creating Relationships, Communities, and Change, Parisha Rajbhandari
Side Effects May Very, Abigail Reed
Examining Latinx Principals' and Assistant Principals' "Desafios" in K-12 Education in the Upper Midwest, Melisa Rivera
Contention One is Our Identity: An Exploration of Queerness in the Collegiate Debate Sphere, Douglas Roberts
The Dusk Maiden: Benefaction, Logan Roling
“Even the hardest stone can fracture:” Racialization, Reproductive Control, and the Wake of Slavery in N.K. Jemisin’s The Fifth Season, Elsbeth Sanders
Comparative Study of Robotic and Manual Welding in A Low Volume-High Mix Manufacturing Environment: Case Study of Cross Head, Niloufer Sarah
Comparing the Effects of Choice and Performance Feedback on the Writing Fluency Outcomes of Elementary Students, Collin M. Seifert
Characterizing the effects of melatonin on reproduction in green anoles (Anolis carolinensis)., Nicholas T. Shankey
Machine Learning-Based Analysis of DNA Methylation Patterns in E.lenta, Tsion Tsegaye Sherbeza
A Qualitative Analysis of Community-Dwelling Older Adults’ Perspectives of Elderspeak, Katelynn Shimanski
Exploring Academic Writing Development through Reflective Reading Response Journals: A Case Study of First-Year Composition Multilingual Students, Kalpana Shrestha
Comparative Study of Robotic and Manual Welding in A Low Volume-High Mix Manufacturing Environment: Case Study of JR Test 3, Mayank Srinivasamurthy
Comparative Study of Robotic And Manual Welding In A Low Volume-High Mix Manufacturing Environment: Case Study Of Tail Gate, Aditya Suggula
Navigating New Frontiers: Unveiling Student Insights on the Integration of AI-Language Models in Writing Instruction, Yasmine Telwana
Fish & Obelisks, Margaret Thomas
Leveraging Machine Learning & Deep Learning Methodologies to Detect Deepfakes, Aniruddha Tiwari
Evaluating the Effects of Topographic Position on Soil Carbon Content in Prairie Pothole Agricultural Landscapes, Grace Uchytil
A Preliminary Study on Intra-Departmental Abuse in a Central American Police Force, Emily Veroeven
Holistic Assessment of Counseling Self-Efficacy Development among Counselors in Training from a Regression Model, Shu-Ching Wang
Centering Students of the Global Majority in United States Community College Critical Internationalization Programming: An Interpretive Phenomenological Study, Jennifer T. Westmoreland
Environment and Belief: Investigating the Dakota Archeological Record, Anna Kay Wiitanen-Eggen
Documents From 2023
Fox Lake – Havanoid Interaction: An Analysis of Eleanor Site Pottery, Rahman Abdullayev
Effect of Decorating Super Paramagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles with Silver Nanoparticles on their Magneto-Photo Thermal Heating Efficiency, Anthony Joseph Afful
An Exploration of Differences in Perceptions of Gerotranscendent Behaviors Between Younger and Older Adults, Gabrielle E. Anderson
To Capture the Sea, Hannah Anderson
Production Stage Management for A Christmas Carol, Jenna Atherton
Stress Levels of Bisexual Individuals in Mixed-Orientation Relationships, Amanda Bartley
Languishing without a Human Touch: Directing In The Next Room or The Vibrator Play, Sarah Belfrage Honerman
Above and Below, Kristen Brown
fourpaintingSomedrawingsandaprintbehindapillar, Sam R. Brown
A Long Road, KenDarian Ortae Carter
Tier II Behavioral Intervention: A Direct Comparison of Two Versions of Class Pass, Madeline Cordle
The Bizzare Fantastic, True Dabill
Queer Void: Autoethnographic Notes on Queer Melancholy and Transgender Shame, Lake Davis
Machine-Learning Based Model Predictive Control for a Three-phase Inverter, Arturo De La Cruz
Tales from Respite, OH, Jake Demers
Developing a Standardized GIS Model Capable of Identifying Areas to Implement Wind Power Generation Infrastructure, Namidu Vishwanath De Silva
Investigating miRNA Regulation of the Human APOBEC3 Enzymes, William Dietrich
Parcels, Holly N. Dodge
Neither Fully Queer Nor Somali?: What Queer Somalis' Narratives Reveal About Space, Identity, and Community in Western Diaspora, Dominik Drabent
Education Based on Graduate Marginalized Perspective, Bryanna Edwards
Professional Communication During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Corrie Eggimann
Rechazos del español: Una comparación de mexicanos monolingües, hablantes de herencia y aprendices de español, Maribel Fernández Moctezuma