"MSU-Mankato's PDS Program Builds "Win-Win" Partnership with St. Peter'" by Lori Piowlski

MSU-Mankato's PDS Program Builds "Win-Win" Partnership with St. Peter's Elementary School

Lori Piowlski, Minnesota State University, Mankato


The Elementary and Early Education Program (EEC) at Minnesota State University-Mankato began restructuring teacher preparation with partnership development schools (PDS) five years ago. The restructuring was embedded in three tenets: the cultural proficiency (CP) framework of Randall Lindsey, the cycle of effective instruction demonstrated by the teacher performance assessment (edTPA) as well as the standards of PDS. From the intersections of the PDS, CP and edTPA the student performance is on the rise in P-12 schools that are partnering with MSU/EEC as part of the restructuring. This new model, coined “ The Culture of Care (COC), PDS Field Experience Model” by Dr. Lori Piowlski has impacted both teacher preparation and P-12 student achievement.