"Assessing the Differential Effects of Peer Tutoring for Tutors and Tut" by Allen Thurston, Maria Cockerill et al.

Assessing the Differential Effects of Peer Tutoring for Tutors and Tutees in Elementary Reading Education

Document Type

Conference Presentation

Publication Date



There is strong evidence that peer tutoring, as a form of cooperative learning, has a positive impact on tutor and tutee outcomes. However, it remains unreported as to the differential effects of engaging in cooperative learning in dyads for tutors and tutees. A quasi-experimental study was undertaken involving 294, 11 to 13-year-old students, taught by 12 teachers across three high schools. 149 students engaged in cooperative learning for a period of 12 weeks. 141 students served as comparison group. Gains were significantly greater on independent standardized reading tests for those engaged in cooperative learning, than those in comparison classes, and greater for tutors than tutees.


Elementary and Literacy Education Department

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