


Arts and Humanities

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Over the last few decades, offshore outsourcing work has moved from manufacturing tasks, such as assembling computers, to knowledge-based tasks, which primarily focused on work from the information technology (IT) industry. However, in an attempt to cut costs and increase profits, businesses are increasingly turning to offshore outsourcing work in the field of technical communication. In order to stay competitive in the global marketplace, technical communicators need to be prepared for this reality. This paper will examine the advantages and disadvantages of offshore outsourcing and how technical communicators can use that information to take an active role in the decision-making process. In doing so, they can become a necessary component of the process rather than performing work deemed expendable. This paper will also examine tools and strategies for showing how technical communication adds value to the company, the product, and the consumer. These tools and strategies will help technical communicators, already in the field or preparing to enter the field of technical communication, find ways to maintain job security and/or find new career paths. Offshore outsourcing of technical communication work is not going away any time soon, but if technical communicators prepare themselves they can turn offshore outsourcing into an opportunity rather than a misfortune.

Instructor’s Name

Jennifer Veltsos


Master of Arts in English, Technical Communication Option

Document Type


Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
