This collection contains books written by Dr. Don E. Glines that address the importance of educational change and alternatives, along with citations or links to books authored by others that contribute to education history research.
In 2023, Dr. Glines gave permission for his books to be digitized by the University Archives and Southern Minnesota Historical Center at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Education Change: Research, History, Reality
Don E. Glines
Education Change is another effort from Educational Futures Projects, Sacramento California, to convince educators that more of us need to learn how to unfold our deck chairs. Author Dr. Don Glines has spent his career actually implementing change in schools and colleges, and in conjunction, consulting for others also implementing educational innovations.
Education Change is presented in cooperation with Project 100% Graduation, directed by Dr. John R. Eggers of Minnesota. The goal of this project is to have more students graduate, as graduation rates are low to extremely low in a variety of communities.
Personalizing Education: Changing from Schooling to Learning: Past, Present, Future
Don E. Glines
"Personalizing Education portrays the basics of why, what, how, after 150 years of tradition, the time is long overdue to replace mandatory schooling conventions with truly voluntary personalized life-long learning options" [from the author].
Educational Alternatives for Everyone: A Handbook for Educators, Families, Politicans
Don E. Glines
"Definitive history of the educational alternatives school efforts and documents the need for non-traditional learning programs for most learners - includes 1100 resource references available in 2002"--Don E. Glines (2023).
Creating Educational Futures: Continuous Mankato Wilson Alternatives: From Schooling to Learning
Don E. Glines
"This contains a look back at the Wilson program and has summaries of some of this historical research"--Don E. Glines (2023)
The Great Lockout in America's Citizenship Plants: Past as Future: Supplemental Edition
Don E. Glines
"Contains references to several innovative programs, but most importantly, the original summaries of the 1907-1937 Gary, IN program"--Don E. Glines (2023).
Year Round Education: History, Philosophy, Future
Don E. Glines
"A definitive book on year-round education, including the Mankato Wilson program and the year-round education history from the first program in 1909 to 1995"--Don E. Glines (2023).
A Primer on Year-Round Education
Don E. Glines
"Provides school administrators the methods for changing from 9 month to 12 month calendars"--Don E. Glines (2023)
Educational Futures I: Imaging and Inventing: Views toward Imagineering Global Perspectives of What Ought to be in Education
Don E. Glines
"First of a volume series on change in education, with volume I focusing on societal conditions and how they affect educators and school programs" from Don E. Glines (2023).
Creating Humane Schools (Expanded Supplementary Edition)
Don E. Glines
"A practical how-to-do-it guide for implementing the innovations and revisions needed in education, with emphasis on multi-alternative school districts and college, self-renewal, and the future."--Cover