Comparing and Contrasting Accredited School Psychology Programs


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Professional Biography

Megan Johnson is currently a Doctoral Candidate in the School Psychology Psy.D. program at MNSU, Mankato. She currently conducts research under Dr. Panahon and Dr. Petersen-Brown. She has mentored three URC projects which has allowed her to promote participating in research for undergraduate students and the field of school psychology. Her research interests relate to technology within education, coping strategies for stress, and promoting the field of school psychology.


This presentation will investigate the faculty characteristics of NASP approved and APA accredited programs to better comprehend the characteristics of school psychology trainers, to allow incoming students an understanding of their trainers, and to compare and contrast the two different types of programs. Data was obtained by searching through over 200 programs online websites to find specific descriptive data about the program and the full time professors within that program. Examples of data collected include faculty member’s alma mater, faculty credentials, scholarly activities, number of faculty members in the program, specialty area, gender, department the program is held in, type of degree earned, degree specialization, and year of graduation will be collected. Descriptive results and implications of findings will be discussed.


APA, NASP, school psychology


Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)




Social and Behavioral Sciences

First Faculty Advisor's Name

Carlos Panahon

First Faculty Advisor's Department


First Faculty Advisor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Second Faculty Advisor's Name

Shawna Petersen-Brown

Second Faculty Advisor's Department


Second Faculty Advisor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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May 15th, 12:00 AM May 15th, 12:00 AM

Comparing and Contrasting Accredited School Psychology Programs

This presentation will investigate the faculty characteristics of NASP approved and APA accredited programs to better comprehend the characteristics of school psychology trainers, to allow incoming students an understanding of their trainers, and to compare and contrast the two different types of programs. Data was obtained by searching through over 200 programs online websites to find specific descriptive data about the program and the full time professors within that program. Examples of data collected include faculty member’s alma mater, faculty credentials, scholarly activities, number of faculty members in the program, specialty area, gender, department the program is held in, type of degree earned, degree specialization, and year of graduation will be collected. Descriptive results and implications of findings will be discussed.