Power Line Communication Input Impedance Adjustment via Network Load Measurements


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Professional Biography

Shuai Yang was born in Hunan, China, in 1992. He received the Bachelor of Engineering degree in electrical engineering & automation (excellence program) from the Hunan University of Science and Technology, Hunan, China, in 2017.

Currently, he is a graduate student in the Electrical and Computer Engineering and Technology department at Minnesota State University, Mankato. He also is a research assistant in the ECET department and work for Dr. Winstead. His research work focus on Power Line Communication and his interests include power electronics, renewable energy.


Power Line Communication (PLC) allows data to be multiplexed with the power line sinusoidal waveform. We consider a lumped circuit model network representing a distribution line and typical PLC hardware on either side of the network. The distribution line is assumed to have an auxiliary load which varies but can be measured. For the modulated and multiplexed data signal to be received requires sufficient power transfer through the network. We propose a methodology to adjust the receiving end input impedance to optimize the data transfer using a power transfer metric.


Results of this study were published in an IEEE conference proceedings for the 2018 Electro-Information Technology (EIT) Conference in Rochester, MI, May 3-5, 2018.


power, communication, impedance, modulation


Master of Science (MS)


Electrical and Computer Engineering and Technology


Science, Engineering and Technology

First Faculty Advisor's Name

Vincent Winstead

First Faculty Advisor's Department

Electrical and Computer Engineering and Technology

First Faculty Advisor's College

Science, Engineering and Technology

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May 15th, 12:00 AM May 15th, 12:00 AM

Power Line Communication Input Impedance Adjustment via Network Load Measurements

Power Line Communication (PLC) allows data to be multiplexed with the power line sinusoidal waveform. We consider a lumped circuit model network representing a distribution line and typical PLC hardware on either side of the network. The distribution line is assumed to have an auxiliary load which varies but can be measured. For the modulated and multiplexed data signal to be received requires sufficient power transfer through the network. We propose a methodology to adjust the receiving end input impedance to optimize the data transfer using a power transfer metric.