Opening Doors to Engage a More Diverse Population in Honors: A Conversation

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In this article, a student, faculty member, and staff member address the question of how to engage underrepresented student populations in honors programs. A student of color describes how an honors course with experiential learning components captivated and motivated her, significantly altering her definition of self. The faculty and staff member acknowledge the necessary changes to large-scale policies, such as refining admissions criteria and implementing more diverse programs, in order to engage students of color in honors education. Key suggestions include cross-listing courses to engage current and prospective honors students, teaching honors courses and facilitating honors experiences that emphasize aspects of social (in)justice, and incorporating a holistic admissions process for both new and current university students. Identifying ways to engage diverse student populations in predominantly white programs is vital to both the success of all students and to honors education as a whole.


Honors Program

Print ISSN


Publication Title

Honors in Practice
