A Dual Perspective on AP, Dual Enrollment, and Honors

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As co-authors of this response to Annmarie Guzy’s essay, we provide different vantage points on prior-credit programs that arise from our distinct roles on campus, and together we suggest the appropriate way forward for honors. To represent our unique perspectives and to mimic the ongoing back-and-forth on this topic on our campus and elsewhere, we have chosen to format our response as a dialogue, thus suggesting some of the multiple voices and angles on AP, dual enrollment, and honors.

Both of us have felt the impact of AP and dual enrollment programs and have worried about its implications for both the traditional and honors experiences. Notwithstanding our concerns, we move forward reassured. We feel that the characteristics of honors that have helped us build strong programs will help us maintain vitality and integrity in the changing academic culture ahead. By continuing to be flexible, experimental, and collaborative, we can construct models of honors that uphold quality and rigor while adapting to the institutional and national frameworks that shape higher education today.


Honors Program

Print ISSN


Publication Title

Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council
