Difference Makers: The Transition, Handoff and Sustainability of Innovative Programs

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



This panel session relates stories of specific engineering education innovations from around the world, hearing from the Difference Makers themselves. The panel will bring together change makers from programs that already have created significantly different, innovative engineering and computing (E&C) programs and those who may wish to do so, with the aim of highlighting salient themes and results expected to be of interest to future Difference Makers. This is planned as an interactive forum aimed to spark dialogue between those interested in effecting significant change at their own institutions and those who have led similar innovations. The focus on the challenges, benefits, change strategies and lessons learned. Panel participants have been selected from a larger pool of the programs named in the 2018 MIT report and other innovative programs recognized as having different perspectives and experiences around the focus areas of transition, handoff and sustainability. This is the second of two related panels: Panel 1: Champion and Entrepreneur Panel 2: Transition, Handoff and Sustainability.


Integrated Engineering

Print ISSN


Publication Title

2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference


