Design-Based Research: Students Seeking Co-op in New Educational Model

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



This research paper continues a longitudinal implementation of a design-based research (DBR) study and implementation for a new co-op centric educational model. This is a benchmarking study by the university program. Two iterative cycles take place simultaneously in the DBR study and interface to provide knowledge to one another. One cycle is the design of a new program, the other cycle is the research study. In this study, the research cycle includes literature review, data acquisition, analysis, evaluation, and findings. Out of the findings come recommendations for continuous improvement in the program design. In this paper, the new model as well as the research method are described. The data analysis results in findings for the program regarding student attainment of the co-op. It identifies that the too much training and emphasis was put on students submitting a high quantity of “cold-call” applications. Instead, the data shows that students actually acquired their positions through career-fairs and networking. More findings are presented and future steps for both the program design and the research study are recommended. The findings of the research will feed back into the program for the second cohort of 50 students which starts in August 2020.


Integrated Engineering

Publication Title

2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference


