The Iron Range Engineering (IRE) Model for Project Based Learning in Engineering

Document Type

Conference Presentation

Publication Date



In the heart Minnesota’s Mesabi iron range, a new model for engineering education has been funded and began delivery in January 2010. The IRE (Iron Range Engineering) model is a project-based-learning (PjBL) model in which students work with industry or entrepreneurs on design projects with a focus on producing graduates with integrated technical/professional knowledge and competencies. Students at IRE are upper-division mechanical engineering students, enrolled at Minnesota State University Mankato, who are mostly graduates of Minnesota's community colleges. IRE students do not take classes;100% of their learning is done in the context of the industry/entrepreneurial projects. The PjBL model readily lends itself to regional economic development making the IRE program an education/economic hybrid system.


Integrated Engineering

Publication Title

2010 North Midwest Section


