"Advising Task Force Report" by Angie Bomier, Kellian Clink et al.

Document Type

Unpublished Research Paper

Publication Date



There is compelling evidence that advising is considered very important by students, that academic advising is an important factor in retention, and that many students at Minnesota State University, Mankato, feel that their advising experience is less than ideal. Many faculty feel frustrated with their lack of time, their lack of training, and the lack of a centralized advising resource that quickly and reliably provides information about policies and procedures necessary for good advising. The following report describes the issues uncovered by Noel-Levitz and NSSE, a pilot study matching survey done in 2006, an in-depth conversation with graduation evaluators here, a mirror-image advisee/advisor survey that has been completed this year, as well as a description of the institutional structures of other comparable universities. Discussion, recommendations, issues discussed but not addressed, and areas of interest and concern follow.


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