"Collaborating with Parents with Disabilities to Create Accountability " by Brooke Crosby, Julia Lutz-Lawlor et al.

Author Affiliation

Department of Social Work, Minnesota State University, Mankato

Document Type

Policy Advocacy Brief

Publication Date


Issue Statement/Executive Summary

Minnesota is a state that prides itself on prioritizing education. As such, all school personnel must fulfill their obligation to ensure meaningful access for parents with a disability. As part of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA), the development of an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is required under both federal and state special education law. In the special education IEP process, parental involvement is mandated to ensure the child's best interest. Research shows parents’ involvement in their children’s education can lead to an improvement in grades, performance, literacy, attendance, and homework completion. Disabled parents must be engaged as equal partners in the education of their children. However, in order to do so, schools must eliminate access barriers by engaging in inclusive practices that accommodate the engagement needs of parents with disabilities across all disability types. When Minnesota pulls in parents with disabilities as equal partners, their children, like all other children will learn, grow, and thrive.


Social Work



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