Publication Date


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Start Date

20-10-2012 10:00 AM

End Date

20-10-2012 12:00 PM


Many of our image collections live in the non-MARC world. Recognizing that fact, this workshop will discuss tools and standards that are available to guide decisions about record creation for digital images in MARC and non-MARC environments. A major focus will be on the methods and considerations in image analysis as a means to uncover information about an image that would be useful in all record environments. We will look at MARC and non-MARC records, and will include records created using AACR2 and RDA.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Oct 20th, 10:00 AM Oct 20th, 12:00 PM

Cataloging Digital Images

Many of our image collections live in the non-MARC world. Recognizing that fact, this workshop will discuss tools and standards that are available to guide decisions about record creation for digital images in MARC and non-MARC environments. A major focus will be on the methods and considerations in image analysis as a means to uncover information about an image that would be useful in all record environments. We will look at MARC and non-MARC records, and will include records created using AACR2 and RDA.