Publication Date


Document Type


Start Date

23-10-2014 9:00 AM

End Date

23-10-2014 4:00 PM


This workshop is aimed at individuals either currently participating in or desiring to participate in the NACO-AV Funnel Project, in addition to those wishing to learn how to create name-authority records in the RDA environment. The construction of both authorized and variant access points for personal name, corporate name, and titles will be covered, specifically based on MARC encoding. Participants will also be instructed on using entities and notes related to authorized access points. Instruction will be based on RDA guidelines, LC-PCC PSs, and other documentation from the Library of Congress. Following completion of the workshop, individuals who are not yet contributing to the funnel may begin doing so. They will be assigned a reviewer and be given further instructions on acquiring proper authorizations and the mechanics of sharing headings.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Oct 23rd, 9:00 AM Oct 23rd, 4:00 PM

NACO-AV Workshop

This workshop is aimed at individuals either currently participating in or desiring to participate in the NACO-AV Funnel Project, in addition to those wishing to learn how to create name-authority records in the RDA environment. The construction of both authorized and variant access points for personal name, corporate name, and titles will be covered, specifically based on MARC encoding. Participants will also be instructed on using entities and notes related to authorized access points. Instruction will be based on RDA guidelines, LC-PCC PSs, and other documentation from the Library of Congress. Following completion of the workshop, individuals who are not yet contributing to the funnel may begin doing so. They will be assigned a reviewer and be given further instructions on acquiring proper authorizations and the mechanics of sharing headings.