Basic Cartographic Workshop
Publication Date
Document Type
Start Date
14-10-2020 12:30 PM
End Date
14-10-2020 2:30 PM
Video of a virtual presentation by Tim Kiser from Michigan State University Libraries, which discusses the philosophical underpinnings, principles, and process of cataloging a sheet map, drawing attention to the differences between cataloging maps and cataloging print (text) resources.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Kiser, T. (2020, October 13-16). Basic cartographic workshop [Conference session]. 2020 OLAC Conference, Virtual.
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Basic Cartographic Workshop
Video of a virtual presentation by Tim Kiser from Michigan State University Libraries, which discusses the philosophical underpinnings, principles, and process of cataloging a sheet map, drawing attention to the differences between cataloging maps and cataloging print (text) resources.