Advanced Sound Recordings Workshop
Publication Date
Document Type
Start Date
14-10-2020 3:00 PM
End Date
14-10-2020 5:00 PM
Video of a virtual presentation by Mary Huismann, St. Olaf College, which discusses specialized topics related to cataloging sound recordings, including non-musical recordings and a walkthrough of various audio carriers and media devices. The stated objectives of the workshop were to identify different sound formats, locate RDA instructions for relevant description, learn about music cataloging resources, and identify MARC 21 fields and subfields more accurately.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Huismann, M. (2020, October 13-16). Advanced sound recordings workshop [Conference session]. 2020 OLAC Conference, Virtual.
Advanced Audio Recordings - Huismann (1).pdf (4033 kB)
Advanced Audio Recordings Resources.docx (23 kB)
Advanced Sound Recordings Workshop
Video of a virtual presentation by Mary Huismann, St. Olaf College, which discusses specialized topics related to cataloging sound recordings, including non-musical recordings and a walkthrough of various audio carriers and media devices. The stated objectives of the workshop were to identify different sound formats, locate RDA instructions for relevant description, learn about music cataloging resources, and identify MARC 21 fields and subfields more accurately.