OLAC publishes a number of training and cataloging resources for catalogers who need guidance on cataloging various types of nonprint materials, including a wide range of digital resources as well as more “traditional” formats: video and sound recordings, websites, maps, multimedia, graphic materials, and realia.
Publications from 2025
Best Practices for Cataloging Digital Media Storage Devices Using RDA and MARC21, Online Audiovisual Catalogers Inc. Cataloging Policy Committee and the Music Library Association Cataloging and Metadata Committee Joint MLA/OLAC Media Devices Best Practices Task Force, Kristi Bergland, Bruce Evans, Mary Huismann, and Barbara R. Tysinger
Publications from 2023
Full MARC Examples to Accompany OLAC Best Practices for Cataloging DVD-Video and Blu- ray Discs, Objects, Streaming Media, and Video Games Using the Original RDA Toolkit and MARC 21, Marcia Barrett, Josh Hutchinson, Yoko Kudo, Julie Renee Moore, Kyla Jemison, Amanda Scott, Teressa Keenan, Ann Kardos, and Melissa Burel
OLAC Best Practices for Cataloging DVD-Video and Blu-ray Discs, Objects, Streaming Media, and Video Games Using the Original RDA Toolkit and MARC 21, Marcia Barrett, Josh Hutchinson, Yoko Kudo, Julie Renee Moore, Kyla Jemison, Amanda Scott, Teressa Keenan, Ann Kardos, and Melissa Burel
Publications from 2022
Best Practices for Cataloging Streaming Media Using RDA and MARC21, Erminia Chao, Rebecca Culbertson, Jennifer M. Eustis, Cyrus Ford, Annie Glerum, Ngoc-My Guidarelli, Mary Huismann, Stacie Traill, Donna Viscuglia, Jeannette Ho, and Jay Weitz
Publications from 2020
Best Practices for Cataloging Objects Using RDA and MARC 21, Julie Renee Moore, Robert B. Freeborn, Scott Dutkiewicz, Sarah Hovde, Jessica Janecki, Jessica Schomberg, and Trina Soderquist
Publications from 2019
Alphabetical List of Genre Terms in the OLAC Video Game Genre Vocabulary, Rosemary Groenwald, Jay L. Colbert, Eduardo Fojo, Julia Frankosky, Netanel Ganin, Rachel Jaffe, Charles Lemme, Neil Robinson, and George Wrenn
OLAC Video Game Genre Vocabulary, Rosemary Groenwald, Jay L. Colbert, Eduardo Fojo, Julia Frankosky, Netanel Ganin, Rachel Jaffe, Charles Lemme, Neil Robinson, and George Wrenn
Publications from 2018
Best Practices for Cataloging Streaming Media Using RDA and MARC21, Erminia Chao, Rebecca Culbertson, Jennifer M. Eustis, Cyrus Ford, Annie Glerum, Ngoc-My Guidarelli, Mary Huismann, Stacie Traill, Donna Viscuglia, and Jeannette Ho
Best Practices for Cataloging Video Games Using RDA and MARC21, Greta de Groat, Marcia Barrett, Julie Renee Moore, Robert B. Freeborn, Emma Cross, Junghae Lee, Jared Cowing, Violet Fox, and Neil Robinson
Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms for Library and Archival Materials LCGFT Moving Image Genre-Form Terms, Scott M. Dutkiewicz
Guidelines for OLAC Video Game Genre Terms (olacvggt), Rosemary Groenwald, Jay L. Colbert, Eduardo Fojo, Julia Frankosky, Netanel Ganin, Rachel Jaffe, Charles Lemme, Neil Robinson, and George Wrenn
Final Recommendations of the Joint MLA/OLAC 33X/34X Task Group, Joint MLA/OLAC 33X/34X Task Group
Publications from 2017
Best Practices for Cataloging DVD-Video and Blu-ray Discs Using RDA and MARC21, William Anderson, Lloyd Chittenden, Cyrus Ford, Mary Huismann, Douglas King, John Lavalie, Peter Lisius, Nancy Lorimer, Julie Renee Moore, Lori Murphy, Laurie Neuerburg, Anchalee "Joy" Panigabutra-Roberts, Scott Piepenburg, Diane Robson, Walter Walker, and Iris Wolley
Publications from 2012
Video Language Coding: Best Practices, Kelley McGrath, Cindy Badilla-Melendez, Susan Leister, Katia Strieck, Carolyn Walden, Karen Gorss Benko, and Irina Stanishevskaya
Publications from 2011
Library of Congress Genre-Form Thesaurus (LCGFT) for Moving Images: Best Practices, Scott M. Dutkiewicz, Bill Anderson, Karen Gorss Benko, Greta de Groat, Jeannette Ho, and Susan Wynne
Publications from 2010
Guide to Cataloging SlotMusic Based on AAACR2 Chapters 6 and 9, Marcia Barrett, Jim Alberts, Cyrus Ford, Steve Henry, Michi Hoban, and Jay Weitz
FRBR, Facets, and Moving Images: A Literature Review, Laura Jenemann, Thelma Ross, and George Wrenn
Playaways and RDA: Summary of Relevant Sections from RDA Chapters 3, 6, and 7, Online Audiovisual Catalogers, Inc.
Publications from 2009
OLAC CAPC Moving Image Work-Level Records Task Force Final Report and Recommendations, Part IIIb: Data Sources, Kelley McGrath, Susannah Benedetti, Karen Gorss Benko, Lynne Bisko, Greta de Groat, Scott M. Dutkiewicz, Ngoc-My Guidarelli, Jeannette Ho, Nancy Lorimer, Scott Piepenburg, Thelma Ross, and Walt Walker
OLAC CAPC Moving Image Work-Level Records Task Force Final Report and Recommendations, Part IV: Extracting Work-Level Information from Existing MARC Manifestation Records, Kelley McGrath, Susannah Benedetti, Karen Gorss Benko, Lynne Bisko, Greta de Groat, Scott M. Dutkiewicz, Ngoc-My Guidarelli, Jeannette Ho, Nancy Lorimer, Scott Piepenburg, Thelma Ross, and Walt Walker
OLAC CAPC Moving Image Work-Level Records Task Force Report and Recommendations, Part I: Moving Image Work Definition and Boundaries, Part II: Core Attributes and Relationships, Kelley McGrath, Susannah Benedetti, Karen Gorss Benko, Lynne Bisko, Greta de Groat, Scott M. Dutkiewicz, Ngoc-My Guidarelli, Jeannette Ho, Nancy Lorimer, Scott Piepenburg, Thelma Ross, and Walt Walker
OLAC CAPC Moving Image Work-Level Records Task Force Final Report and Recommendations, Part IIIa: Operational Definitions: A Thought Experiment, Kelley McGrath, Susannah Benedetti, Karen Gorss Benko, Lynne Bisko, Greta de Groat, Scott M. Dutkiewicz, Ngoc-My Guidarelli, Jeannette Ho, Nancy Lorimer, Scott Pipenburg, Thelma Ross, and Walt Walker
Publications from 2008
Guide to Cataloging Playaway Devices Based on AACR2 Chapters 6 and 9, Heidi Frank, Bill Anderson, Joe Bartl, Robert B. Freeborn, and Jay Weitz
OLAC CAPC Moving Image Work-Level Records Task Force Draft Report and Recommendations, Part I: Moving Image Work Definition and Boundaries, Part II: Core Attributes and Relationships, Kelley McGrath, Susannah Benedetti, Karen Gorss Benko, Lynne Bisko, Greta de Groat, Scott M. Dutkiewicz, Ngoc-My Guidarelli, Jeannette Ho, Nancy Lorimer, Scott Piepenburg, Thelma Ross, and Walt Walker
Guide to Cataloging DVD and Blu-ray Discs Using AACR2r and MARC 21 2008 Update, Carolyn Walden, Marcia Barrett, Kelly Chambers, Lloyd Chittenden, Nancy Lorimer, Julie Moore, Lori Murphy, Anchalee Panigabutra-Roberts, Walter Walker, and Kay Johnson
Publications from 2007
Introduction to Cataloging Electronic Integrating Resources: An Online Training Presentation, Cataloging Policy Committee
OLAC CAPC Video Language Coding Best Practices Task Force Draft Recommentations, Kelley McGrath, Cindy Badilla-Melendez, Susan Leister, Katia Strieck, and Carolyn Walden
Publications from 2005
Source of Title Note for Internet Resources, Steven Miller, Greta de Groat, and Susan Leister
Publications from 2002
Summary Notes for Catalog Records, Sheryl Holmes, Lisa Bodenheimer, Jeannette Ho, Rebecca Lubas, Sueyoung Park-Primiano, Virginia Rasbold, Gene Kinnaly, Karen Plummer, and Robert Bratton
Publications from 2001
Authority Tools for Audiovisual and Music Catalogers: An Annotated List of Useful Resources, James Alberts, John Bewley, Robert Bratton, Ann Caldwell, Robert B. Freeborn, Sheryl Holmes, Phyllis Jones, Michelle Koth, Marilyn McCroskey, Jeanne M. Piascik, David Procházka, James L. Soe Nyun, Barbara R. Tysinger, and Iris Wolley