Helium and Neon in a Stardust Track Wall
Document Type
Conference Abstract
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Materials trapped and preserved in comets date from the earliest history of the solar system. Here we present and discuss recent measurements of light noble gases carried in a particle captured from comet Wild2 by the Stardust mission.
Physics and Astronomy
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R.O. Pepin, B. Marty, R.L. Palma, L. Zimmermann, D.J. Schlutter, P.G. Burnard, A.J. Westphal, C.J. Snead, Sasa Bajt, R.H. Becker, and J.E. Simons, 2008. Helium and Neon in a Stardust Track Wall. 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract #1467, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.