Production and Test of 18F Samples in the SNICS Ion Source

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For experiments with {sup 18}F beams the output of the SNICS ion source for fluorine ions was investigated. {sup 18}F, which is a well-studied PET isotope, is generated at the medical cyclotron of the University of Wisconsin. Aqueous [{sup 18}F] fluoride ions are produced via the {sup 18}O(p,n){sup 18}F reaction using a 30-{mu}A, 11.4-MeV proton beam bombarding a 95% enriched [{sup 18}O] water target. In order to minimize the {sup 18}O component of the {sup 18}F material the [{sup 18}F] fluoride must be separated from the [{sup 18}O] water. For this purpose the aqueous [{sup 18}F] fluoride solution ({approximately} 0.5-1 ml) is removed from the production target and placed in a glassy carbon vessel. The vessel is heated to 115{degrees}C with He bubbling through the solution, evaporating the water while the {sup 18}F adheres to the vessel walls. When dry, the vessel is filled with 1 ml {sup 18}O-depleted 99.98% [{sup 16}O] water which is again evaporated. After this step is repeated once more the vessel is filled with 1.5 ml [{sup 16}O] water and 200-300 mole of natural KF as carrier material.


Physics and Astronomy

Publication Title

Physics Division Annual Report, April 1, 1994 - March 31, 1995

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