Spatial Analysis of the Hot Gas Distribution in a Complete Chandra Survey of Early-Type Galaxies

W. Peter Maksym, University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Jimmy A. Irwin, University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Ka-Wah Wong, Minnesota State University Mankato
Mihoko Yukita, Johns Hopkins University
Yuanyuan Su, University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Dacheng Lin, University of New Hampshire, Durham
Evan T. Million, University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa


The amount of hot X-ray-emitting gas in early-type galaxies is thought to be indicative of the hydrodynamic state of the gas, with gas being more easily removed from galaxies with lower mass and/or stronger Type Ia supernovae-driven winds. Escaping gas should lead to more a extended gaseous X-ray emission profile than in galaxies with deep enough potential wells to retain the gas. We search for a correlation between the amount of hot gas and the slope of the hot gas surface brightness profile (normalized by the optical light) for a complete survey of optically bright early-type galaxies observed by Chandra in order to test the accuracy of wind-driven galactic models.