Production of ^13N Using a 400keV Van de Graaff Positive Ion Accelerator

Document Type

Conference Abstract

Publication Date



A target system has been developed to study the production and extraction of ^13N, a short-lived radioisotope of nitrogen (t1/2 9.6 minutes), formed via the ^12C(d,n)^13N reaction. The target is comprised of a graphite rod positioned in a custom-built target chamber where it is irradiated by a deuteron beam. Post irradiation, the target is flushed with H2 or CO2 gas, and heated via a large applied current producing ^13NH3 or HC^13N and ^13NO2 respectively. Radiolabeled ^13N compounds are used for physiological imaging using Positron Emission Tomography (PET). The production system used the 400keV Van de Graaff Positive Ion Accelerator housed in the Applied Nuclear Science Lab at Minnesota State University, Mankato. While this energy, slightly above threshold, is too low to make sufficient amounts of ^13N for imaging work, the system and procedure can be implemented on higher energy machines. Preliminary system results will be presented as well as accelerator calibration and reaction data.


Physics and Astronomy

Publication Title

American Physical Society April Meeting Abstracts
