To Know I Can Might Be Enough: Women's Self-Efficacy and their Identified Leadership Values

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This three-year mixed-method study examined levels of self-efficacy and leadership values held for 32 women before and after participating in graduate coursework specifically focused on women’s leadership issues. A 21-item, 5-dimension self-efficacy scale adapted for leadership from the work of Albert Bandura was used in addition to open-ended questions focused on leadership values and obstacles. Self-efficacy levels increased in each dimension, most notably in Encouraging a Productive Work Ethic and Creating a Positive Work Climate. Shifts occurred in the nature of values identified for effective leadership in terms of more traditional and outwardly-visible attributes to more postmodern and inwardly-experienced attributes. The nature of obstacles that participants identified as preventing them from being more effective leaders also revealed shifts from self-critical behaviors to proactive behaviors.


Recreation, Parks, and Leisure Services

Print ISSN


Publication Title

Advancing Women in Leadership



Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
