Compassion in Online Teaching and Learning: Before and After the Declaration of the Global COVID-19 Pandemic


CSU 254

Start Date


End Date



This presentation regards a study on how compassion was observed through teaching in 2020, both prior to and following the declaration of the global COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent shift in teaching modalities. Using textual data (e.g., emails, D2L communication, course evaluations, etc.) from a cohort of participating faculty members from differing disciplines, initial themes suggest ways in which compassion was sought and demonstrated in online classrooms.

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Oct 1st, 10:30 AM Oct 1st, 11:45 AM

Compassion in Online Teaching and Learning: Before and After the Declaration of the Global COVID-19 Pandemic

CSU 254

This presentation regards a study on how compassion was observed through teaching in 2020, both prior to and following the declaration of the global COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent shift in teaching modalities. Using textual data (e.g., emails, D2L communication, course evaluations, etc.) from a cohort of participating faculty members from differing disciplines, initial themes suggest ways in which compassion was sought and demonstrated in online classrooms.