Hiring Social Work Faculty: An Analysis of Employment Announcements with Special Focus on Rural and Urban Differences and 2008 EPAS Implications

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An 11-month long analysis of social work faculty position advertisements examined differences in job descriptions between past and present findings, rural- and urban-located social work programs, doctorate and nondoctorate conferring institutions, and public and private institutions. Additionally, this investigation addressed 2008 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards expectations of social work practice experiences. Findings suggest that degree-earned expectations are lower among rural-located institutions compared to urban institutions, service and student advising are more often identified as expectations of employment among rural institutions, and rural institutions are less likely to expect evidence of research and scholarship. Differences were also found between rural and urban institutions regarding post-MSW experience requirements, and 65% of all position announcements identified >2 years post-MSW experience as required.


Social Work

Publication Title

Journal of Social Work Education


