Making the DEC Recommended Practices "Come to Life": Using Case Method of Instruction in Early Childhood Special Education

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There is a critical need for highly qualified personnel who will become exemplary professionals in early childhood special education settings. This book presents the use of case method instruction and realistic cases that align with current recommended practices (RP) from the Division of Early Childhood (DEC). An overview of DEC recommended practices explores assessment, environment, family, instruction, interaction, teaming and collaboration, transition, and a chart of cases. The benefits, debates, usage, barriers, framework, recommended practice, and case study rubrics of Case Method Instruction (CMI) are explored, creating guidelines for analysis and the implementation of plans. Each chapter contains two sections that presents cases for birth to age 3, and cases for 3 to 5 year olds. Fourteen case studies aligned with RP and DEC are included—seven solved and seven unsolved. The unsolved cases allow the reader to further develop their skills by determining what else could be done or needed to solve the case. These case studies have proposed questions for further thought and discussion. An Appendix is included that contains research support for the interventions outlined in the case studies. This book will be a significant resource for undergraduates and graduates, university college courses, school districts or organizations that provide training and support for exceptional children.


Special Education



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