Space Image Processing
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Space Image Processing covers the design and coding of PC software for processing and manipulating imagery obtained by satellites and other spacecraft. Although the contents relate to several scientific and technological fields, it serves as a programming book, providing readers with essential technical information for developing PC applications. The material focuses on images of the planet and other celestial bodies obtained by orbiting and non-orbiting spacecraft. This book is not about raster graphics in general, but about raster graphics processing as it applies to space imagery. Three parts divide the text:
- Science - background at an introductory level - scientific principles underlying space imagery and its processing - topics related to space and remote sensing
- Technology - topics related to space imagery - geodesy, cartography, image data formats, image processing
- Programming - code examples for DOS and Windows programming on the PC - consideration of low-level and C++ code - routines with a tutorial and demonstrative purpose Space Image Processing includes a CD-ROM holding all the source code and programs discussed in the text. The CD contains a demo version of the TM-Lab program, a public domain Thematic Mapper scene of the Grand Canyon area, two public domain space image viewers, and sample images.
Publication Date
CRC Press
Boca Raton, FL
raster graphics processing, remote sensing, planets, celestial bodies
Remote Sensing
Recommended Citation
Sanchez, J., & Canton, M. P. (1999). Space image processing. CRC Press.