Y2K: Preparing Your Business for Transition



Student's Major


Student's College


Mentor's Name

Claudia Pragman

Mentor's Department


Mentor's College



As the year 2000 approaches, many businesses face great danger. The problem stems from early computer programmers who did not allow for computers to recognize the turn of the century and used two numbers instead of four to indicate the year. This is a worldwide problem that affects everyone, however our concentration is going to be on business operations. We have researched the many steps to take to ensure a company's survival during this transition. Companies need first to be aware of the problem, next take inventory and assess the problem, then correct and test, and finally implement the newly revised system. Hopefully with everyone's cooperation, we can ease into the new millennium without any complications.

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Y2K: Preparing Your Business for Transition


As the year 2000 approaches, many businesses face great danger. The problem stems from early computer programmers who did not allow for computers to recognize the turn of the century and used two numbers instead of four to indicate the year. This is a worldwide problem that affects everyone, however our concentration is going to be on business operations. We have researched the many steps to take to ensure a company's survival during this transition. Companies need first to be aware of the problem, next take inventory and assess the problem, then correct and test, and finally implement the newly revised system. Hopefully with everyone's cooperation, we can ease into the new millennium without any complications.