The Eating Habits of a Mid-Western University: A Pilot Study



Student's Major

School of Nursing

Student's College

Allied Health and Nursing

Mentor's Name

Bikash Nandy

Mentor's Department

Health Science

Mentor's College

Allied Health and Nursing


The eating habits of college students differ greatly among different persons, but it is during college that healthy eating habits are especially important. Many college students eat unhealthily, which often leads to obesity. According to the American Dietetic Association (ADA), obesity occurs in over one-third of adults over twenty years of age. There is also a dramatic increase of obesity in youth as, according to the ADA. Individuals who are obese and who do eat unhealthily are linked to cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and osteoarthritis. Today, United States families spend an average of forty cents out every food dollar on meals away from home. People seem to prefer to eat out instead of eating meals at home or, for college students, in an apartment or dormitory. People who do go out to eat receive a higher intake of fat, sodium, calories, and saturated fats. This includes increased portion sizes according to the ADA. In view of unhealthy eating habits of college students, I will randomly select 100 students from Minnesota State University and ask them to fill out a questionnaire. The data will be analyzed and interpreted. The results will be used to formulate policies and develop programs to prevent this unhealthy and even deadly lifestyle.

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The Eating Habits of a Mid-Western University: A Pilot Study


The eating habits of college students differ greatly among different persons, but it is during college that healthy eating habits are especially important. Many college students eat unhealthily, which often leads to obesity. According to the American Dietetic Association (ADA), obesity occurs in over one-third of adults over twenty years of age. There is also a dramatic increase of obesity in youth as, according to the ADA. Individuals who are obese and who do eat unhealthily are linked to cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and osteoarthritis. Today, United States families spend an average of forty cents out every food dollar on meals away from home. People seem to prefer to eat out instead of eating meals at home or, for college students, in an apartment or dormitory. People who do go out to eat receive a higher intake of fat, sodium, calories, and saturated fats. This includes increased portion sizes according to the ADA. In view of unhealthy eating habits of college students, I will randomly select 100 students from Minnesota State University and ask them to fill out a questionnaire. The data will be analyzed and interpreted. The results will be used to formulate policies and develop programs to prevent this unhealthy and even deadly lifestyle.