An Analysis of the Visual Rhetoric in the "Ladies of Rylstone Callendar."



Student's Major

Communication Studies

Student's College

Arts and Humanities

Mentor's Name

Daniel Cronn-Mills

Mentor's Department

Communication Studies

Mentor's College

Arts and Humanities


The "Ladies of Rylstone Calendar," featuring Images of middle-aged, nude, British women, is shattering cultural standards and has created an international phenomenon. According to the London Times of December 3,2000, the calendar has sold nearly three hundred thousand copies and raised $750,000 for leukemia research. The success of the calendar is analyzed using the concept of constrained agency outlined by Dr. Lynn O'Brien Hallstein in her 1999 article, "A Post-modem Caring: Feminist Standpoint Theory, Revisioned Caring and Communication Ethics," published in the Western Journal of Communication. Using Hallstein's theory of constrained agency to examine the "Ladies of Rylstone Calendar" allows several implications to be drawn concerning its visual rhetoric.

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An Analysis of the Visual Rhetoric in the "Ladies of Rylstone Callendar."


The "Ladies of Rylstone Calendar," featuring Images of middle-aged, nude, British women, is shattering cultural standards and has created an international phenomenon. According to the London Times of December 3,2000, the calendar has sold nearly three hundred thousand copies and raised $750,000 for leukemia research. The success of the calendar is analyzed using the concept of constrained agency outlined by Dr. Lynn O'Brien Hallstein in her 1999 article, "A Post-modem Caring: Feminist Standpoint Theory, Revisioned Caring and Communication Ethics," published in the Western Journal of Communication. Using Hallstein's theory of constrained agency to examine the "Ladies of Rylstone Calendar" allows several implications to be drawn concerning its visual rhetoric.