Health Risks Caused by Wireless Technologies



Student's Major


Student's College


Mentor's Name

Rakesh Kawatra

Mentor's Department


Mentor's College



There are many health issues related to the use of cellular phones, wireless local area networks, and other devices that emit electromagnetic waves. Some of these systems have become a part of our daily lives and many of us are in direct or indirect contact for extended periods of time with these devices. However, the general public is not aware of health risks associated with the use of these devices. Our research covers studies done by independent research groups and other interested organizations on the harmful health effects caused by wireless devices. We also present information about research studies that refute that there are health risks associated with these devices.

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Health Risks Caused by Wireless Technologies


There are many health issues related to the use of cellular phones, wireless local area networks, and other devices that emit electromagnetic waves. Some of these systems have become a part of our daily lives and many of us are in direct or indirect contact for extended periods of time with these devices. However, the general public is not aware of health risks associated with the use of these devices. Our research covers studies done by independent research groups and other interested organizations on the harmful health effects caused by wireless devices. We also present information about research studies that refute that there are health risks associated with these devices.