State System Elements and In-Group/Out-Group Conflict



Student's Major

Ethnic Studies

Student's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Mentor's Name

Wayne Ebert Allen

Mentor's Department

Ethnic Studies

Mentor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences


The foundation of the State System ultimately and inevitably leads to in-group/out-group conflict and ethnic cleansing. There are four elements of State Systems; greed, supremacy, indoctrination, and terrorism. Greed is the core of every State in the world. It functions as the driving engine that steers the State, and constantly grows with time. Every State System advocated a form of supremacy that it considers moral and ethical. For instance, Papal Catholicism considered theological/religious supremacy a moral way of feeling superior to others. Indoctrination is the element that serves the function of implanting the supremacy core mentioned above. State agencies preach that their form of supremacy is the one and only moral way of feeling superior to others. Terrorism is what we know as war. Ethically and objectively speaking there is no difference between terrorist operations and wars waged by State Systems. The way all four elements function together is that greed drives the State System to harvest the resources of other people through war. Humans can kill other humans without having any remorse if they feel superior to them. The four layers work together to fulfill the ultimate goal of the state system, which is harvesting resources from out-groups by ethnically cleansing them or enslaving them. For as long as there are State Systems, there will be ethnic cleansing.

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State System Elements and In-Group/Out-Group Conflict


The foundation of the State System ultimately and inevitably leads to in-group/out-group conflict and ethnic cleansing. There are four elements of State Systems; greed, supremacy, indoctrination, and terrorism. Greed is the core of every State in the world. It functions as the driving engine that steers the State, and constantly grows with time. Every State System advocated a form of supremacy that it considers moral and ethical. For instance, Papal Catholicism considered theological/religious supremacy a moral way of feeling superior to others. Indoctrination is the element that serves the function of implanting the supremacy core mentioned above. State agencies preach that their form of supremacy is the one and only moral way of feeling superior to others. Terrorism is what we know as war. Ethically and objectively speaking there is no difference between terrorist operations and wars waged by State Systems. The way all four elements function together is that greed drives the State System to harvest the resources of other people through war. Humans can kill other humans without having any remorse if they feel superior to them. The four layers work together to fulfill the ultimate goal of the state system, which is harvesting resources from out-groups by ethnically cleansing them or enslaving them. For as long as there are State Systems, there will be ethnic cleansing.