Exploring the Spatial Dispersion of Sub-Terrain Liquids



Student's Major


Student's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Mentor's Name

Cecil Keen

Mentor's Department


Mentor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences


The monitoring and prevention of subterranean pollution is becoming increasingly important, as ground water is a resource of limited potential. This study integrates multiple data sets into a visualization program for a three-dimensional depiction of the behavior of pollutant plumes through time and space. The data, which is comprised of the porosity of the underlying geologic structure, the chemical composition of the pollutant, water table height and location, and the flow direction of the groundwater, has been assembled to simulate a spill using a hypothetical location and pollution event. The visual model that resulted showed a variety of interactions, and greatly enhances the understanding of the complex reactions that occur in underground dispersion. It is anticipated that this project would be useful and usable by emergency management officials.

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Exploring the Spatial Dispersion of Sub-Terrain Liquids


The monitoring and prevention of subterranean pollution is becoming increasingly important, as ground water is a resource of limited potential. This study integrates multiple data sets into a visualization program for a three-dimensional depiction of the behavior of pollutant plumes through time and space. The data, which is comprised of the porosity of the underlying geologic structure, the chemical composition of the pollutant, water table height and location, and the flow direction of the groundwater, has been assembled to simulate a spill using a hypothetical location and pollution event. The visual model that resulted showed a variety of interactions, and greatly enhances the understanding of the complex reactions that occur in underground dispersion. It is anticipated that this project would be useful and usable by emergency management officials.