A Regional Analysis of Radon Levels in Southern Minnesota



Student's Major


Student's College


Mentor's Name

Cecil Keen

Mentor's Department


Mentor's College

Social and Behavioral Sciences


This study designed and developed a database containing radon test data collected by the Brown-Nicollet Community Health Service in St^ Peter, Minnesota. This database was then used to create maps enabling a spatial analysis of radon levels in the tested areas. Database values were exported into a CIS (Geographic Information System) application where addresses were geocoded. These geocoded points will be used to assess geographic patterns in radon levels. These points also contain critical building construction information that may reveal other patterns leading to elevated levels of indoor radon levels. MSURP (Minnesota State University Radon Project) has collected data and begun a spatial and temporal analysis of their findings. The database created by this study augments the existing MSURP database by the addition of a five-county area. This greatly enhances the authenticity of MSURP's findings and will be presented to the Minnesota Department of Health for inclusion in state-level radon level analysis.

This document is currently not available here.



A Regional Analysis of Radon Levels in Southern Minnesota


This study designed and developed a database containing radon test data collected by the Brown-Nicollet Community Health Service in St^ Peter, Minnesota. This database was then used to create maps enabling a spatial analysis of radon levels in the tested areas. Database values were exported into a CIS (Geographic Information System) application where addresses were geocoded. These geocoded points will be used to assess geographic patterns in radon levels. These points also contain critical building construction information that may reveal other patterns leading to elevated levels of indoor radon levels. MSURP (Minnesota State University Radon Project) has collected data and begun a spatial and temporal analysis of their findings. The database created by this study augments the existing MSURP database by the addition of a five-county area. This greatly enhances the authenticity of MSURP's findings and will be presented to the Minnesota Department of Health for inclusion in state-level radon level analysis.