Losing Innocence



Start Date

12-4-2004 8:45 AM

End Date

12-4-2004 10:15 AM

Student's Major


Mentor's Name

Richard Robbins

Mentor's Department



This project was inspired by our group's desire to heighten its social awareness as it explored the loss of innocence resulting from impoverishment. As creative writers we chose to explore this theme through poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction—our subjects ranging from working in a women's shelter to college life. Because the process of writing is one of investigation, we developed a deeper understanding of the loss of innocence and a broader interpretation of the meaning of impoverishment, choosing in advance to not limit ourselves to an economic interpretation of the word. We attained our goals through observation, discussion, information gathering, writing, and revision of creative work, meeting frequently to discuss our work and ideas. We strove to bring each individual piece to a publishable quality and plan to submit our works for publication. In the hopes that others will gain from our awareness, .we plan to present our writing at the conference, individually reading our work to the audience.

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Apr 12th, 8:45 AM Apr 12th, 10:15 AM

Losing Innocence


This project was inspired by our group's desire to heighten its social awareness as it explored the loss of innocence resulting from impoverishment. As creative writers we chose to explore this theme through poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction—our subjects ranging from working in a women's shelter to college life. Because the process of writing is one of investigation, we developed a deeper understanding of the loss of innocence and a broader interpretation of the meaning of impoverishment, choosing in advance to not limit ourselves to an economic interpretation of the word. We attained our goals through observation, discussion, information gathering, writing, and revision of creative work, meeting frequently to discuss our work and ideas. We strove to bring each individual piece to a publishable quality and plan to submit our works for publication. In the hopes that others will gain from our awareness, .we plan to present our writing at the conference, individually reading our work to the audience.