The American People's Response to a New Look for George W. Bush


CSU 255

Start Date

12-4-2004 10:30 AM

End Date

12-4-2004 12:00 PM

Student's Major

Communication Studies

Student's College

Arts and Humanities

Mentor's Name

Brian Klosa

Mentor's Department

Communication Studies

Mentor's College

Arts and Humanities


Through the years of his presidency, George W. Bush has been represented in many different ways, from satirical television, and movies to political cartoons. With each representation, there have been reactions from the American people. The latest representation is an action figure of the president, which has gotten responses from the American people. As people studying the many issues of communication, we must analyze the responses by asking the following research question: Does the introduction of the George W. Bush action figure help or hurt the president's credibility? To answer this question, I will use Kenneth Burke's epic and burlesque frames of communication. The epic frame refers to the positive viewpoint of a social situation, and the burlesque frame refers to the negative viewpoint of a social situation. After I have discussed Burke's two frames, we will look at the American people's perception of the action figure, and then we will examine implication on a social behavior to answer the question given above.

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Apr 12th, 10:30 AM Apr 12th, 12:00 PM

The American People's Response to a New Look for George W. Bush

CSU 255

Through the years of his presidency, George W. Bush has been represented in many different ways, from satirical television, and movies to political cartoons. With each representation, there have been reactions from the American people. The latest representation is an action figure of the president, which has gotten responses from the American people. As people studying the many issues of communication, we must analyze the responses by asking the following research question: Does the introduction of the George W. Bush action figure help or hurt the president's credibility? To answer this question, I will use Kenneth Burke's epic and burlesque frames of communication. The epic frame refers to the positive viewpoint of a social situation, and the burlesque frame refers to the negative viewpoint of a social situation. After I have discussed Burke's two frames, we will look at the American people's perception of the action figure, and then we will examine implication on a social behavior to answer the question given above.